“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught...
We partner with families to create a loving, safe and authentic community where children can grow to believe and trust in the love of Jesus and develop a life-long relationship with God.
Children are receiving confusing messages from all around them. Sierra Kids is a place where your child can develop a strong foundation and meaningful friendships that roots their identity in the love of Jesus.
We love and value kids at Sierra Pres (just like Jesus did!) and it is our goal to have that be evident in all areas of our children’s ministry. We strive to provide a warm and safe environment where your child will be known, loved and engaged in fun and relevant ways. We desire to partner with you to strengthen your child’s relationship with Jesus and to help them discover the unique plan and purpose that God created them for.
If you have any questions about the Children’s Ministry at Sierra Pres, please contact:
Charmaine Fiumos, Interim Children’s Ministry Director by sending an email to: cfiumos@yahoo.com