We have an active and dedicated Care & Connection Team that is ready and willing to come along side you in prayer and support. This team includes deacons, the prayer team, Stephen Ministers and worship hosts. We come alongside the sick and hurting or anyone experiences emotional or financial difficulties. Our goal is to serve both individuals and families, while building a trusting and caring relationship that can help them during a difficult time.
Please submit the form and one of our team members will be sure to take care of your request.
For many years SPC has had a Prayer Team that is trained and available to serve the needs of anyone attending the church. Prayer for God’s healing touch in any area of your life, is offered by members from the Prayer Team after each Sunday worship service in the Prayer Room which is located directly off the Sanctuary. On the third Sunday of each month, Prayer Stations are available in front of the Sanctuary. All prayers are strictly confidential. If there is a need to come to your home to pray with you, members of the Prayer Team would also be available for your needs. You can call the church to set up a time during church hours or contact Linda or Dave Anderson, the Team Leaders.
The church also has a group of people on a prayer chain that are willing to immediately pray for needs through email. The church office can be contacted during church hours and Deni Dax will receive requests after hours.
“When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.” Psalm 91:15
Christ Caring for People through People
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one. another." John 13:34
Stephen Ministry is a program that equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian one to one care to those who are experiencing a crisis or life challenge.
Stephen Ministers first complete 50 hours of training to learn caring ministry skills such as, active listening, identifying and expressing feelings, setting boundaries and being assertive.
They will not tell you what you should do, or how you should feel, but they will walk with you as long as needed.
There are times when each of us needs the care of another person, a Christian friend who can listen to us as we struggle with life's many issues. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry so that those who are receiving care can be sure that their identity and what goes on in the caring relationship will remain private. If you are struggling with something in your life we invite you to seek out a Stephen Minister and begin the process of healing as you walk through this journey of faith with a friend in Christ. For more information on how to receive care or how to become a Stephen Minister, please contact the Church Office.
NOW accepting NEW people to train to be Stephen Ministers.
Training will be on Monday afternoons for 25 weeks starting in September. Please email for more info.
In reaping the bounties of our community, we are also called to experience events which present challenges to each of us. I am frequently reminded in my personal life journey and in my role as a therapist of the challenges daily life can bring to each of us. As coordinator of Counseling Ministries, I have the privilege of facilitating the Grief and Loss group which addresses some of life’s most challenging events. The group meets twice monthly to provide support and growth to group members. Have you suffered a loss or the death of someone? I invite you to consider the Grief and Loss group as an opportunity to move forward in your journey. This ministry also offers individual therapy support to each of you or someone you may know.
Jenene Sowell, LMFT
Group Times: First and Third Thursdays
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.