Sierra Presbyterian Church Community,
As we navigate how to stay connected as a church in the midst of the parameters we have been given to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Session (Leadership) of the church has decided that we will move to online worship gatherings for the time being.
For many, this will be a new way of experiencing worship, but we hope and trust that we will still be able to meaningfully connect to God in this way. So, this Sunday, we will continue our Disciplines of Discipleship series by looking at the theme of Generosity from Mark 12:38-45.
The following Sunday, March 29th, we will follow our pattern of gathering online for One Church Worship at 10 am (online) with a blended style of worship.
For the time being, all other regular church activities have been postponed including The Gathering, SierraKids, Ankor Youth, Sierra Women's Bible Study, Choir Rehearsals, and Praisercise. At the same time, we want you to stay encouraged and connected through some of the following ways:
1) Check here on our website often for updates.
2) Read All-church Emails for information
3) Look forward to receiving texts from our new texting app called Flocknote. This will enable us to give updates in a streamlined way. For instance, you will be texted about impacts on our services due to weather or power, updates on activities, as well as missional service opportunities to care for our church and community during this challenging time.
4) Please contact the Sierra Pres Care line at 530-346-3984 with your care needs and our Care and Connection Director, Beth Griffin, will follow-up with you.
5) Please continue or increase your giving to Sierra Pres in order for us to maintain our important ministries and missional emphasis as we seek to serve as a Church for the Community.
With You on the Journey,
Pastor Mike
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