Please fill out the form below to schedule an event. In order to assure that there aren’t any conflicts in the church calendar, an event cannot be officially scheduled until this form has been submitted and approved. After you have received approval, if you would like this event to be publicized, please make sure to fill out the Print & Communications Form below as well.



Please fill out the form and make sure to review the notes below about the process to secure childcare.


  1. Work through the Children’s Ministry Director (CMD) only.

  2. Fill out the ‘Childcare Request Form’ above no later than one month before the event.

  3. All childcare requests must be approved before advertising childcare for events. The CMD will email the ‘Contact Person’ once approved.

  4. Childcare requests will require sign-ups from families. The deadline for sign-ups will end one week before the event. The CMD will inform you of this deadline in the approval email. Please advertise this deadline.

  5. Childcare will be provided for 3 or more children. If there are less than 3 children, childcare will not be provided.

  6. It is the contact person’s responsibility to contact those families who have signed up to tell them there will not be childcare provided within 48 hours of the sign-up deadline.

  7. Please email the CMD as soon as there are new sign-ups. Include the name and age/ We are working from a volunteer base and this helps us to recruit the correct amount for our child to worker ratio.