In the Footsteps of Jesus
February 2020
I return from my recent trip to Israel with a profound sense of our Savior’s love for us. To sail on the Sea of Galilee, visit the synagogue in Nazareth where Jesus taught, and walk the Via Delarosa where Jesus stepped toward his agonizing death on the Cross was life changing. To contemplate his power to overcome the grave, a power that is at work in my life is yours, is almost overwhelming to comprehend. I like forward to sharing my experience with you at a potluck & presentation on Wednesday, February 5th from 5:30-7:30 pm in Ryosa Hall. Bring your Bible and some food to share as we look forward to this time of learning and fellowship together.
While being there in the Middle East, in the physical footsteps of Jesus was a tremendous gift. However, I am also mindful in my return that we don’t worship a physical location but Jesus himself who has risen from the grave. Every time we gather for worship then is intended to be a life-changing encounter with the living God. His Spirit is with us whenever we accept his invitation to Discover Jesus by gathering in worship.
In addition to our regular Sunday services. Two particular opportunities for worship this month stand out. The first, is the opportunity we have to host the Westmont College Orchestra and Praise Team on Sunday, February 16that both 9 & 10:30 am services. Having hosted this group three years ago I can tell you that we are in for a treat and that this would be a great opportunity to invite friends and family to worship along with us. In addition, there is a hosting opportunity that Saturday evening. We are looking for those who will be willing to take in a few students overnight, including serving them dinner and getting them back to the church the next morning. Details to follow.
Secondly, on Wednesday, February 26thwe kick-off the Season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 6 pm. This is a contemplative style of worship service where along with the music and message you will have the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes as a sign of your identification with Christ’s death and to visit other “stations” that will invite you into prayer or to respond to the grace of God in a creative way. The service is meant to set a tone for the next 40 days (not counting Sundays) that culminate in our celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
As a church we recognize that our discovery of Jesus doesn’t take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land but that Jesus is with his people wherever we live and move and have our being. We look forward to times of discovery through learning and sharing but also our times of celebration when we gather to worship Jesus.
With You on the Journey,
Pastor Mike