Pastor Mike’s Meditations
June 2021
Base Camp for Adventure! Off Road Disciplines…
Did you know that Western Nevada County is often seen as a “Base Camp for Adventure”?
People come to our neck of the woods as a launching point for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, skiing, fishing, boating, etc. The beauty of God’s creation around us serves as an invitation for exploration.
Well, similarly, our faith is not meant to be stagnant or something we only practice in the privacy of our homes or through corporate worship on Sunday mornings (as important as those things are). We can practice the presence of God through spiritual disciplines wherever we are. That is why beginning Sunday, June 13th our summer sermon series we will explore a series on spiritual practices entitled “Off Road Disciplines.”
For instance, have you ever thought of celebration as a spiritual discipline? Things like ordinations and installations, graduations, and weddings are all celebrations that we can thank God for. If God is the giver of every good and perfect gift, we have the opportunity to express gratitude to God for every milestone event in life. Someone once said that our bodies and souls are portable sanctuaries; that we can worship God wherever we are. Unfortunately, we often miss opportunities for worship when we are outdoors or “off road,” on vacations or other outings. Clearly it takes intentionality to make use of that time to nurture depth and intimacy in relationship with God.
Through practices like Centering Prayer, discovering our Calling, Solitude and Silence, Lectio Divina (Divine Reading of scripture), and St. Ignatius’ Awareness Examen, we are better prepared to find God present in the moments and activities of our lives, particularly in those times when we are outside of our normal rhythms. In addition, Off Road Disciplines like submission (particularly in decision-making), fasting and frugality and stewardship and simplicity, can help us prioritize others. Disciplines like suffering in community, and sharing through witnessing or expressing God’s beauty through artistic expression are ways that we can strengthen relationships together.
The other night, I was reading The Magician’s Nephew to Levi. In C.S. Lewis’ creation epic, Aslan the Lion literally sings creation into being. Interestingly, those who are open to the sound, like Polly and Digory, are captivated by it; while the Witch and Uncle Andrew can’t stand the sound. Thinking about the implications for us, I wonder if we are open to God’s creation song? Are you aware of his presence in creation and able to hear the sound of his still, small, voice? Are you able to stay centered in anxious moments of uncertainty? Do you have a sense of God’s calling upon your life? Is scripture living and active for you? Do you examine your life or are you are living in a way that reflects the “quiet desperation” that most men live with? Does your life have balance when it comes to your possessions so that they don’t possess you? Are you growing through suffering and able to witness to God’s redemptive work in your life? My hope is that, through this series of messages and corresponding questions for personal and group reflection, that whether you are on the road or “off roading it” this summer, that you find yourself strengthened in the life of faith and growing in your journey with God.
Note: Masks Optional in Worship as of June 20th! Following the guidance of the CDC and our local health officials, masks will be optional in worship beginning Sunday, June 20th. We still encourage appropriate caution for those who may be health compromised and we ask for those showing any sign of illness to stay home and participate through our live-stream. However, we are excited for this further step toward normalcy in our upcoming worship gatherings.
With You on the Journey,
Pastor Mike