Pastor Mike’s Meditations
May 2021
A pastor friend recently associated his church with the story of Lazarus. He said, that after 13 months of coping with Covid, our church is coming to life again. Like Lazarus, we are emerging from this tomb of death, darkness and isolation. Grief, sadness, and separation are being overcome by the reality of new life.
I can feel similarly. It is a joy to see people returning to worship. For instance, On Easter Sunday, I looked out upon the congregation and saw many faces I hadn’t seen in a year or more. It felt like a family reunion. It also made me realize that, like many pastors, I have felt the sting of separation with members of the church who make life and worship and being “church” meaningful. Seeing someone return to worship or reconnect with a Growth Group, reminds us of what was once good and can be good again.
Recalling the story of Lazarus, remember that he had been in the tomb for four days sealed off, dead and buried. His family was grieving and they had given up hope. But then Jesus called out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” In response, “The dead man come out his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face” (John 11:44). But then, look what happened next. Jesus said to the crowd, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” Just picture the joy that followed when Lazarus was reunited with his family and friends. And yet, he was still dressed in grave clothes, looking like a mummy. After four days, it took loving hands to unwrap him.
Over this past year, there are those who have passed on to heaven or who have moved on from Sierra Pres for one reason or another and won’t be coming back. This is a source of grief for me and for others. But in another way, the story of Lazarus is also our story. By his grace, Jesus speaks our name. He raises us from spiritual death to new life. He calls us out of the tomb and into new life. I see that happening at Sierra Pres. Every Sunday morning we have the opportunity to celebrate the miracle of Lazarus; of restoration of relationship restored with Jesus and with one another as people return to worship. After an incredibly challenging year of isolation, the church is coming to life again. It is a different sort of miracle, but a miracle all the same.
I know that some of you have not returned to worship. You are awaiting your vaccine shot or your health may cause you to still want to be cautious about coming back. Maybe you are being cautious for someone else, like a parent or grandparent. If you are not ready to come back to in person worship, I understand, and hope that you maintain a connection through our live stream. If you need help “unwrapping” this past year of difficulty, I encourage you to reach out to myself, our Assistant Pastor Greg Flagg, Care and Connection Director Beth Griffin, Counselor Jenene Sowell, an elder, or deacon, or learn about the benefits of Stephen Ministry. Only Jesus can call forth and bring new life. However, our role is to help you unwrap whatever you may be bound by so that through the love, support, and encouragement of our church community, you can accept the invitation to discover Jesus by gathering for worship. We are still here ready to receive you back when you are ready to return. It may have taken some time to unwrap Lazarus from his grave clothes and it may take some time to unwrap all you carry from the past fourteen months, but the good news is that Jesus still calls us to come out and into new life and there is a community waiting to celebrate your return.
With You on the Journey,
Pastor Mike