October 2020
This past week I was on one of my runs through Empire Mine. About half way through my run there is a significant hill that is always a challenge to run up. What I realized, however, is that I had gotten in a pattern of looking up to the top of the hill as I chugged my way up and I was getting overwhelmed. At times the climb just seemed too steep and it felt like it was taking forever to make my way up. So, the simple adjustment I made this past week was to simply keep my eyes about 5 yards ahead to the next tree or landmark and commit to pushing myself to that point and then doing it again. By breaking it down and keeping my eyes on the next 5 yards, I found myself motivated to continue on my run and complete the climb up the hill.
Similarly, spiritually speaking, I have been seeking to move forward in the same way in life and ministry. Rather than think about all that is before us, all that we have to overcome amidst everything happening in our world and society or when things are going to get back to “normal,” I am hoping you will join me in moving ahead in our journey with Christ one space at a time. The writer of Hebrews commends this way of moving forward on our journey when he says, “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author (or pioneer) and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2-3).
As the one who has gone before us, who ran his race perfectly and took great joy in redeeming us through his death on the Cross, Jesus has already finished his race. He is up ahead of us, ultimately waiting at the finish line for us when we finish our race in life. If we can keep our eyes fixed on him and trust that he is looking upon us with eyes of love and grace, we can persevere through this season. While seemingly uncertain for us, God has marked out the race for us. He is sovereign and in control and has plans and purposes for our lives. He knows the race he has called us to run and we can trust him. As the author of our lives and the writer of our stories, we can trust that He knows where our story is headed, which is ultimately toward him. In light of this, we can choose to see our present reality with its challenging circumstances as a “very bad chapter in a very good book.” He is our pioneer who has gone before us and He is our perfecter who is molding and shaping us more fully into His image. The challenges we are facing at present are the very circumstances God has designed to encourage your growth and maturity in Christ. In this, we can find joy in our journey, trusting that God knows the way forward and that He will give us just enough light to live by in the present and will ultimately fill us with life and light for all eternity. So, let us continue to find joy in our journey with Jesus as we run the race marked out for us with perseverance and strength.
With You on the Journey,
Pastor Mike